Parent Resources
- Amalgamation Updates
- Absentees Notification
It is important that you contact the College, before 10am, if your child is going to be absent.
Contact can be made via the 24 Hour Absentee Hotline (9201 5277) or SMS text (0481 883 696).
When informing the College of your child’s absence, please be sure to include the following information:- Student’s full name
- Year Group
- Brief reason for absence (eg sick, appointment, personal reason)
- Duration of absence
- Relationship to child
- Bell Times
School hours
8:35am to 3:15pm (Mon, Tues, Wed & Fri)
8:35am – 2:30pm (Thurs)Bell Times
- Booklists
Please download the correct Book List for your child's year prior to accessing the online ordering link below.
The access key for booklist ordering online is case sensitive.
Year 7 and 8 students study all courses on the Book List and, therefore, must purchase all required items. For Mandarin lessons, Year 7 and 8 students are required to purchase an A4 exercise book and display folder.
Students will receive a College Diary at the start of the school year.Please only purchase Book Lists items for either English or EaL/D in Years 7-12.
ViSN Booklist 2025 (only for senior students studying ViSN courses)
VISN Online Year 11 Booklist 2025
VISN Online Year 12 Booklist 2025
2025 Booklists for Years 7 - 12
To order your booklist, please click here. (Please note, the College's Access Key is: 2VS9R.)
All students in Years 7 -10 are required to have coloured Zipper Binders for their courses. Zipperbinder Requirements
Second-hand books (and clothing) can be sold through the College's Buy & Sell Facebook page here.
Please refer to the tab 'BYOD Program' on this page for computer (personal device) requirements for students.
- Breakfast Club
Supported by FoodBank and donations of breakfast items (eg sugar, Milo, jam and cereals other than Weetbix) from the community, the College offers free, nutritional breakfast from the kitchen in the CASS building. Breakfast Club is operated by volunteer staff members and starts at 7:30am with the last food items served at 8:20am. All students are welcome to sit down and enjoy something to eat or to grab something ‘on the go’.
- Bus Service
Please click here for the Bus Service Information.
- BYOD Program (Computer Devices for Students)
Aranmore Catholic College operates a one-to-one education program. All students are required to have a personal electronic device (PED). These should be replaced every three years.
Personal Electronic Devices (Computer) Specification
Microsoft Office - Student’s will be given access to the full suite of Microsoft products. These can be for school, personal or family use (up to 5 tablets, 5 phones and 5 PCs). As such, parents do not need to purchase Microsoft Office.
Email Address - As part of Aranmore and the Catholic Education WA system, all students will have an email address created. Student’s email address can be used for both school and non-school business.
Wifi Access at the College - Using their email address as they log in, students can access the wifi network at the College. - Calendar
- Canteen
Click here to view Canteen Menu.
The College Canteen uses Online Ordering with QuickCliq! QuickCliq is a great online system to make the ordering of lunches easier and more convenient.
Please visit the QuickCliq website, sign up by completing the registration form.- You receive a confirmation email with an activation link
- Activate your account and login to the website
- Add a student and choose Aranmore Catholic College
- Order whenever its convenient for you.
- CareerTools Portal
- CEWA (Catholic Education of Western Australia) - Links and Correspondence
- Change Details Form – Updating Contact Details
It is important families inform the College of changes to their contact details (ie residential mailing address, email and mobile number.). Pease supply new contact details by emailing, calling 9201 5226 or click here to complete the Change Details Form>>
- College Contact Details
The Front Office is open during the term from 8am to 4pm. (08) 9201 5200
For more details: Click here>>
- College Map
- Contacting Staff
Of utmost concern to all staff is that each student reaches his or her full potential. Integral to achieving this is open, two-way communication between parents and staff. Parents are encouraged to make contact with their child’s teachers through a variety of forums: SEQTA, email, telephone, Student Diary, Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews and Parent Information Nights.
To contact a staff member by email, please use the following format:
First name full stop followed by
For example, to contact Mr Danny Battistessa the email address is: be aware that staff teach during the day and will not be able to respond to your message immediately. They will, however, endeavour to contact you in a timely manner. The use of SEQTA direct messages is preferable to phone.
- Counsellor
The specific role of the School Counsellor is to support the pastoral care structure of the College by assisting students who are experiencing any personal, family or life circumstances that are affecting their ability to achieve their full potential.
A member of the Counselling team is available Monday to Friday. Please call the College on 9201 5200 to make an appointment. - COVID-19
Please see healthyWA for more information.
- Fees & Financial Assistance
Please click here for more information and the Financial Assistance forms.
- Homework Hub
The College runs a Homework Hub for all students on Mondays and Tuesdays in the Library from 3:30pm – 4:30pm. Students from all years are welcome to come along for extra assistance, revision, study or to ask questions on material that is unclear. Each day, there will be staff from a variety of learning areas to assist students.
- Late Arrivals to School
Arriving Late to School
If arriving after 8.40am, students must report to Student Services, where their arrival will be recorded. A note should be provided explaining the reason for the late arrival.Arriving Late to Classes
When a student arrives late to class, their subject teacher will record their lateness. Should the student be released late from a previous class or activity that teacher will record the reason in the Student Diary. - Leaving College During The School Day
If a student needs to leave the College to attend an appointment, please follow this procedure to ensure the student's safety:
• The student must bring a note from a parent/guardian prior to the appointment.
• When the student is about to leave the subject classroom, the note is shown to the class teacher and then is taken to, and handed in at Student Services, where the student’s early departure will be recorded before they leave the College premises.
• Students are required to sign out at Student Services before they may leave.Students will not be permitted to leave the school grounds during school hours without written permission (signed note or email) or a call from Parent/Guardian or Deputy Principal.
- Library
Many students use the JF Moloney Library throughout the school day to study, select books for research or recreation, prepare and print work, borrow or use devices, or simply to relax or read alone or with friends. Our spaces enable students to choose whether they wish to work by themselves or in a group, share a booth, find a quiet spot in a book-lined alcove, enjoy a chat in the comfortable seating area or use the meeting room.
The library is open 8:15am - 4:00pm, with recess and lunch times being particularly popular. UNO and chess remain firm favourites for those wanting to play a board game.
Our fiction collection is shelved by genre, making it easy for students to find a range of authors in their preferred story style. The fantasy section is particularly well-used. Non-fiction books, magazines, reference books and the ever-popular graphic novels are also available. Students can access a range of online resources, with various databases available to support their studies.
Students access their library account and ePlatform (eBooks and audiobooks) using their Single Sign-on authentication details. Online databases are also available to support research needs. Physical resources can be borrowed using their student SmartRider card. - Medical Forms
- Messages to Students
In cases of emergency, please call the Front Office (9201 5200) and a message will be passed to students. Mobile phones may not be used between 8:35am and 3:15pm for the sending or receiving of text or voice messages.
- Moorditj Bidi Program
Since 2022, Aranmore has welcomed and offered support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. In line with College's mission, the Moorditj Bidi Program empowers Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to achieve their full potential academically, culturally, and personally by providing assistance to students who, due to financial circumstances, may be denied a Catholic Secondary Education. For more information, please click here.
- Newsletter
Click here to access latest newsletter.
The College Newsletter, Term News, is a summary of key events and activities from across the term. It's published four times a year on the College website, with the link emailed to parents on the last day of term.
- Online Shop
- Pathways Coordinator
The Pathways Coordinator provides support and assistance to students looking to create an engaging pathway through their senior schooling and into post secondary school life. Specifically, the Pathways Coordinator can assist with career counselling, career exploration, university/TAFE information, goal setting, resume writing and more.
Students are welcome to make appointments with the Pathways Coordinator via direct message, or contact can be made by calling the College on 9201 5246.
- Parent & Student Handbook
- Policies & Guidelines, Plans & Procedures
Please see here, for the latest CEWA and College Policies and Plans. Please speak to your Child's Dean if you have any additional questions.
- PTO (Parent Teacher Interview Booking System)
Please click here to access PTO.
- Refurbished Laptop by Sam's Spares
Aranmore Catholic College extends its heartfelt thanks to 'Sam's Spares' for their generous contribution of refurbished laptops to students on humanitarian visas. Your support is making a meaningful difference in our student's educational journey.
Who is Sam's Spares?
Sam’s Spares is a 100% Volunteer run Not for Profit Organisation that saves unwanted IT E-waste from landfill.
It is run by Samuel Thomas, a young man with a passion for community, environment and electronics.
Sam and his volunteer team repair and refurbish computers, laptops, mobile phones, gaming systems and other electronics and gift them Free of Charge to people in need across WA.
Sam is Autistic and has Tourette Syndrome and strives to overthrow the stigmas and limitations put upon his Neurodivergent community. Proving that anyone with a passion and purpose can succeed.
- SEQTA Engage and Learn Links
SEQTA is our learning management system which is the main portal of information for parents and students regarding academic and pastoral aspects of the College. The parent and student interface are visually the same, but the log on address and log on details are unique.
URL for App:
For issues relating to SEQTA, please contact - Scholarships & Bursaries
The College offers a number of scholarships and bursaries to students. For further information, please click here.
- Sport Fixtures
Information regarding all Associated and Catholic Colleges (ACC) events which include NWAS and Swimming, Cross Country and Athletics carnivals, can be found at the website: or you can download the ACC ‘App’ from the website.
In general, all other sporting event news will be communicated a little closer to the event dates on SEQTA, email and/or Daily Notices. - Sports State & National Representation - How to Inform the College
From 2024 onwards, we will be collecting all state and national representatives through Microsoft Forms. If you have represented the state of Western Australia or Australia anytime from the 1/12/23, please fill out the attached form to ensure you are acknowledged by the school community.
The link is also available on the SEQTA splash page. - Term Dates (for Students)
Term 1
Wednesday 5 February to Friday 11 April (Year 7 & 12 students start WEDNESDAY 5 Feb while Years 8 - 11 start THURSDAY 6 Feb)
Term 2
Tuesday 29 April to Friday 4 July
Term 3
Tuesday 22 July to Friday 26 September
Term 4
Tuesday 14 October to Friday 12 DecemberClick here to view College Calendar >>
- Uniform Shop
Opening hours during school term:
Tuesdays 11:00am - 1:30pm
Fridays 8:00am - 11:30amContact: 9201 5219
Please note that appointments are not required during the term. Appointments are generally only offered during anticipated busy times.
To make online purchases, please follow the link:
Second-hand clothing (and books) can be sold through the College's Buy & Sell Facebook page here.
- Upper School Handbook & Curriculum Information
The Upper School Handbook provides detailed information on the courses and programs offered at Aranmore Catholic College.
Please click here to access the current Upper School Handbooks.
- Withdrawal of Students - Notice Required
One term’s notice in writing must be given before the removal of a student; otherwise, the College reserves the right to charge a term’s fee in lieu of notice.
Please direct your letter to
At Aranmore,
everyone matters.– Stephanie, Year 7
Moving him from the public high school over to Aranmore was by far the best decision that we have ever made for both his education and his self esteem. We found the teaching staff amazing. Aranmore teaches respect and inclusion - attributes that your child will demonstrate long after memories of the subjects taken has faded.
– Parent
I would like to commend not only your polite and respectful students, but also your school. I have a medical condition and catching public transport can be a challenge at times, so I’m very grateful for the respect and integrity of your students.
– Member of the public