College Executive

Mr Declan Tanham

Mr Danny Battistessa
Deputy Principal - Curriculum

Mrs Susan Russell
Deputy Principal – Students, Teaching and Learning

Mrs Julie Hawes
Business Manager

Mr Ben Grose
Dean of Students Year 9 & 12

Mr Troy Holdaway
Dean of Students Year 8 & 11

Mr Craig Rodgers
Dean of Students Year 7 & 10
Of utmost concern to all staff is that each student reaches his or her full potential. Integral to achieving this is open, two-way communication between parents and staff. Parents are encouraged to make contact with their child’s teachers through a variety of forums: email, telephone, Student Diary, Term Newsletter, Parent Teacher Interviews, Parent-Teacher Information Nights and SEQTA Engage.
- Director of College Operations
Director of College Operations
Director of College OperationsMr Chris Simpson (on leave)Mrs Corlie Wolmarans - Ministry Team
- Head of Learning Areas
- Coordinators
- College Advisory Council
- To Contact Staff