Aranmore Catholic College provides a strong educational foundation for all its students - academically, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Learning technologies are incorporated in the curriculum, equipping students with lifelong skills. Students in Years 7, 8 and 9 receive a general education across all the Learning Areas. In these years, the emphasis is on transitioning to high school, building general learning skills, experiencing the wide variety of subjects on offer and preparing students for Senior School. Scholarships are offered for academically orientated students in Mathematics and Science and for students showing aptitude in Leadership, Music, Rugby, and Netball.
Senior students are prepared for life after school through the provision of a comprehensive learning environment. At Aranmore, students can choose courses that lead directly to university entrance, TAFE (Technical and Further Education), or employment. Students are encouraged to further develop their interests through a variety of academic options. They are provided with a diverse range of ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank) courses, General courses, and Vocational programs. Students at the College can also choose to mix traditional schooling with work experience and study at an RTO (Registered Training Organisation) which can lead to TAFE certifications (i.e. Certificate I, II, III or IV). Students can also take part in ONSITE which provides them with a successful transition course from school to the workplace.
In addition to courses offered at the College, Senior Students can also select to join the Catholic Education of WA ViSN Network and study online ATAR subjects not available at the College with the support of a dedicated ViSN Mentor.
The Upper School Handbook provides detailed information of the courses and programs on offer at Aranmore Catholic College.
Regardless of the career pathway a student selects, guidance and support to achieve personal success is readily available through the Careers Centre.