Newsletter 30 June 2023
Parents and Friends
The College wishes to advise that the P&F Association as an incorporated body, has voluntarily wound up by unanimous vote, within the P&F group, earlier this year.
The distribution of assets was conducted, and any residual finances were donated to the College to be used for the students.
The P&F will continue as a sub-committee of the College Advisory Council, meeting once a term.
Should you be interested in being part of this group please advise Dianne Bearham, Principal’s Secretary, at
The Parents and Friends sub-committee will operate as a group, to focus on discussion around student issues. It will not be involved in fundraising.
As NAIDOC week officially begins on Sunday 2 July, we took the opportunity to commemorate the contributions of the oldest living culture during our last week of the term. The celebrations were orchestrated by our dedicated Aboriginal Education Team, along with the wonderful students they support.
The highlight of our celebration was an inspiring assembly during which the College was gifted with a mural that has been three years in the making. It incorporates elements that are unique to Aranmore. We were also honoured by the presence of three generations of Wadjuk Noongar men who shared their rich stories and reflections. We rounded off the event with a symbolic smoking ceremony that invited all members of our community to participate.
This year's theme – For Our Elders – prompted us to reflect on our relationships with the seniors in our lives. I asked all students to ponder on the following questions, and I extend the same invitation to you:
1. Who are the elders in my life?
2. How do I show the honour and respect they deserve?
3. How can I incorporate their wisdoms and teachings into my daily life?
Term 2
As we wrap up the term, I want to extend my gratitude to our incredible staff for their dedication and hard work. Success is not a solitary endeavour. It can only occur in harmony with our parents. Thank you for your ongoing support.
To our students, I wish you a safe and relaxing holiday. I look forward to seeing you return next term, rejuvenated and ready for the challenges and rewards that await.
Mr Danny Battistessa
Acting Principal
from the deputies
Semester One Reports
Teachers are currently busy finalising and checking the Semester One reports. The reports will be released for parents to access, via SEQTA Engage, before the end of this term.
Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews
Parent-Student-Teacher interviews for Semester One will occur at the following time.
Date: Thursday 27 July 2023
Time: 3:00pm to 7:30pm
Location: CASS (Centre for the Arts & Sports Sciences)
The College will use the PTO (Parent Teacher Online) platform to schedule the interviews.
Details regarding how to login and make appointment times will be sent via email.
Parents/guardians will be able to access PTO to schedule appointments from the beginning of the school holidays.
If you have any problem accessing the PTO system, please call the College on 9201 5200 or email
Staff Changes Semester 2
• Isabelle Girando
Long Service Leave
• Mr Luke Halden
• Mrs Donna Dennis
• Luke O’Neill
New Staff
• Ms Carmel Moulton (English)
• Mr Harry Ennis (Phys Ed)
• Jessica Hopkins (Science & IT)
• Ms Elizabeth Anderson (Phys Ed)
Key Dates for Term 3
Monday 17 July – Student Free Day
Tuesday 18 July – Term 3 Students commence
Wednesday 19 July – Year 10 Parent Information evening
Tuesday 25 July – Academic Awards assembly
Thursday 27 July – Parent Teacher Interviews
Friday 28 July – Last day for Timetable changes
Mrs Corlie Wolmarans
Acting Deputy Principal – Curriculum
Amelia Kelly - Year 12 Student and 2023 Arts Leader
Amelia is half Australian and half Welsh/British. She was born and raised in Perth. Amelia grew up in a culturally diverse household as she had students from all over the world living with them. Amelia attended Aranmore Catholic Primary School where she met many of the friends she still has today.
Going to Aranmore Primary led her here. Amelia feels that there is a real sense of community at Aranmore that has gone through different stages with every year that has gone by. The Year 12 group in particular has really come together which she loves and appreciates.
Through different programs available at school, she has been able to connect with different year levels. Amelia sees this as being very important as it “builds on the sense of community.” And while not everyone knows everyone, “students here show respect and are courteous towards others, and staff work hard to support, uplift and get the best out of every student.”
Amelia feels that she belongs at Aranmore because the school is a lot smaller than other schools; and as there are fewer people, at times the community feels more connected. She doesn't feel “like a tiny speck in a sea of students.”
Amelia feels very welcomed and supported by Aranmore through her education and the opportunities she has been given. And as she approaches the end of her secondary schooling, Amelia “looks forward to looking back on all the fabulous memories and all of the connections I have made here over the years.”
Mrs Susan Russell
Deputy Principal - Teaching & Learning
Uniform Shop Opening Hours during Term 2 Holiday
Monday 17 July 8.30am to 1.30pm
Tuesday 18 July 8.30am to 1.30pm
ACE Program News
Year 7 and 8 ACE students practiced problem solving skills at an Escape Room excursion. Each year group was given an hour to 'escape' from their themed room. It was brilliant to see a number of students leading their team, staying focused on the task and demonstrating perseverance.
Year 8 ACE Digestion
Year 8 ACE students took a hands-on approach to extend their understanding of mechanical and chemical digestion. They used materials and containers to represent the process of what happens once we swallow our food. They now know what ends up in the toilet by crushing up a mix of foods and putting them through their handmade digestive system! - Chloe Ferraro
Miss Sonya Cerny
ACE Program Teacher
Arts & Technologies News
Aranmore’s Year 11 and 12 Drama students proudly present a night of theatrics from 5pm - 7pm in Mercy Hall.
The Year 11 and 12 Drama students will be performing their monologues that are sure to inspire and move you. Audiences will also be treated to a special performance by the ACC Drama Club, directed by Year 12 Arts Leaders.
For catering purposes, please RSVP here.
Year 11 Media - Green Screen Production
The Year 11 General and ATAR Media students have been hard at work learning the elements of interview lighting and green screen production. As they perfect these techniques, they will be implementing them into their documentary production during Semester 2. Stay tuned for some thought-provoking films!
Mr Kyle Ganapathy
Media Teacher
Senior Drama Excursion
On Wednesday 14 June, Year 11 and 12 Drama students and selected Year 10's attended the Things I Know To Be True excursion at Heath Ledger Theatre.
Ms Phoebe Bennett
Head of Learning Area - Media
English News
Curtin English and Literature Conference for Year 12 ATAR English Students
Our Year 12 ATAR English students, along with their teachers, Mrs Kate Campbell and Mrs Kerry Ponton, recently had the opportunity to attend the 2023 English and Literature Conference at Curtin University. The conference has been on hiatus since 2019, due to COVID-19 restrictions so this year’s event marked an exciting return of this invaluable and enriching experience.
Over the course of the conference, specialist lecturers presented on up to 16 different topics relevant to the Year 12 English syllabus. These were designed to complement the work done in class by schools, and to reinforce understanding of curriculum concepts. There was a focus on tackling exam questions, as well as promoting a clearer understanding of texts and genres for students.
Whilst engaging with this valuable content, our students were treated to a little taste of Uni life. They had to make their own way to the campus, choose the lectures they thought would be most useful, find their way around to the various lecture theatres and venues, and experience sitting in Uni-style lectures, mixing with ATAR students from other schools.
Our students conducted themselves beautifully throughout the day, and all really appreciated the opportunity. Some feedback from students included:
“I liked that it gave students a chance to experience campus life…lecturers were engaging and mostly insightful”.
“I liked the freedom of choosing what lecture to go to.”
“We got a taste of Uni life”.
With their ATAR exams on the horizon, we are confident that they have all taken away some useful information to enhance their English studies.
Mrs Kerry Ponton
English Teacher
Science News
Year 8 Heart Rate Investigation
Year 8’s have been studying the circulatory and respiratory systems and factors that can affect their functioning. Choosing a factor that affects heart rate and designing an experiment to test the extent of that effect formed part of their assessment.
The factors that students chose to investigate included exercise, meditation, breathing rate and temperature.
Year 9 Forensics Accelerants Investigation
Last week, our class did an experiment about arson. We burned kerosene, methylated spirits and turpentine to compare the smoke it gave off, how it smelt and how long it burned. - Jack Saliacus
Year 12 Human Biology – Modelling Natural Selection
Evolution is a long process that can’t be observed in the classroom. However, students can understand how it may work in different situations by using beads and paperclips to model alleles and dice to model chance.
Thank you Miss Denner
Josie Denner has been working with Year 8, 9 and 10 classes this term. She was able to quickly build a rapport with the students and has brought a lot of new ideas to the classroom. I am sure students have appreciated her knowledge and enthusiasm this term. We wish her all the best with the rest of her degree.
Mrs Naomi Geoghegan
Head of Learning Area - Science
Rugby News
Thank you to Brody MacAskill (Class of 2017) for visiting the Year 10-12 Rugby students and talking about his experience playing Rugby in Japan. Brody left for Japan in 2019 and has spent four years as a professional player. He spoke about training, eating out, language barriers, travel and rugby opportunities. We look forward to more visits from other Rugby players.
Girls State Squad
Congratulations to the following athletes on their selection into the State Squad for the Southern State Championships:
U16 Girls State Squad
Shontay Hokianga
Kuini Nama
Kiriwai Tetuhi Nathan
Keira Thomson
Teiana Mainwaring
Jahlia Kani-Cadogan
U18 Girls State Squad
Topaz-Jean Porter
Zarna Munro
Susie Cano
Awhina Heke
BREAKING NEWS! - Western Force Rugby Cup Champions for 2023!
Congratulations to our two boys AND two girls teams who made it into the Grand Finals of the Western Force Rugby Cup on Wednesday. In the finals, the two teams played against each other for the respective Champion Boys and Champion Girls Cup.
Despite carrying several injuries sustained during the comp, all players are to be congratulated on their competitive playing.
There were a lot of stand-out players but special mention to:
Aaron Hubert
Xavier Vauli
Peter Ranford
Tiana Mainwaring
Zarna Munro
Awhina Heke
Players are also congratulated for their behaviour off the field as well. Thank you to Western Force and RugbyWA for the opportunity to play.
Mr Dwayne Grace
Specialist Rugby Program Coordinator
For the College Calendar, please see here.