Newsletter 16 June 2023

Study Leave
I shall be taking study leave for the final two weeks of Term 2 and the first three weeks of Term 3.
During this time, Danny Battistessa will act as College Principal and Corlie Wolmarans will operate as Deputy Principal Curriculum, and Wanda Swart will take on the roll as Head of Mathematics.
College Ball
I recently attended the College Ball, and I was genuinely impressed by the conduct of our young people. They looked fantastic, had a great time and were very responsible in all aspects. I congratulate them, and you, as their parents.
Senior school exams were held over recent weeks, and you can expect to receive results and school reports in the coming weeks. This is particularly important for Year 10 students, as their performance will provide good information, in terms of their subject selections for Years 11 and 12.
Mr Declan Tanham

from the deputies
Semester One Reports & Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews
The Year 10, 11 and 12 Examination period has concluded, and the students have resumed their normal timetabled classes.
Other year groups continue to have in class assessments with teachers busy marking papers and preparing the semester one reports. Whilst these reports are an important indicator of achievement for all students, they are especially significant for the following year groups:
Year 11 and 12 – to check if they are on track for WACE graduation and TAFE & University entrance.
Year 10 – to use as a foundation for selecting appropriate Year 11 courses in 2024.
The reports will be ready for parents to access, via SEQTA Engage, by the end of this term.
Parent-Student-Teacher Interviews
The details of Parent-Student-Teacher interviews for Semester One are as follows:
Date: Thursday 27 July 2023
Time: 3 pm to 7:30 pm
Location: CASS (Centre for the Arts & Sports Sciences)
The College will use the PTO (Parent Teacher Online) platform to schedule the interviews. Further details regarding how to log in and make appointment times will be sent via email later this term.
Mr Danny Battistessa
Deputy Principal – Curriculum

Our learning at Aranmore recognises that everyone’s journey is unique and that Aranmore is a place where everyone belongs. We acknowledge that through creativity, engagement and resilience, our students grow into mature young people.
Our story this week looks at Jacob McGregor, a Year 12 student and College Leader.

Jacob McGregor -Year 12 Social Justice Leader 2023
Jacob's Dad comes from Scotland, but he was raised in Australia. He spent most of his childhood in the country in Western Australia. Jacob's Mum was born and raised in WA. Both parents have also spent several years living in London.
Jacob was born in Perth and he's been a city kid all his life. There were some struggles in Primary School, where Jacob struggled to fit in. He didn't really have a sense of direction and he became the victim of bullying, being short and somewhat scrawny.
Life changed when Jacob moved to Secondary School. Jacob said that Aranmore has given him so many opportunities to learn, to grow and to try new things. “I wouldn't have believed anyone who said I'd be where I am today if they'd asked me six years ago. But here I am! A leader with a passion and a community. Aranmore has given me so much, and I'm so grateful for that.”
Mrs Susan Russell
Deputy Principal - Teaching & Learning

Student Services News
There are still a number of unclaimed water bottles and sports jackets without names in the Student Services.
There is still also a large amount of unclaimed confiscated jewellery from Term 1. Please collect before the term finishes.

Student Success News
Congratulations to Year 7 students, Moana Heke, who has been selected to represent Western Australia in the 2023 Touch Football 12s Girls Championship.
This team will be competing at the School Sport Australia National Championships in Darwin, NT from Sun 13 August - Fri 18 August 2023. Well done and all the best Moana!

Arts & Technologies News
Interpretive Portrait
The Year 7s are working on full scale colour interpretive portrait, using a mixed media of pastels, coloured pencil and Texta on craft roll sheeting. Collaborating in groups of four, the students really enjoyed the process of outline and fill with the level of innovation a highlight of the sessions. All completed works from these sessions will be hung in the JF Gallery in the Term 4 Art Exhibition. – Mr Mat Tchan
Year 8 Digital Art: Introduction to using Photoshop
Below are some student work from the Year 8 Digital Art: Introduction to Using Photoshop.
For most of the students, the 8-week option is the first time they have used the program, with many producing some extraordinary images. – Mr Mat Tchan
‘Cabin in the Woods’ by Aimee- Grace Bartels

‘Lazy Afternoon’ by Jamyang Tshokey Tobgyel's
Year 11 Visual Art – Oil Paintings
Year 11 Visual Art students have just completed their final paintings for Semester One. Students had to pick a food that resonated with them in some way, and then translate an image of the food into a resolved oil painting. In doing so, students had to master their understanding of tone and colour temperature to successfully create a realistic effect. A fantastic result overall! These works, along with artwork from Year 7-12, will be on display later this year for the 2023 Aranmore Combined Arts Exhibition. – Ms Phoebe Bennett (HOLA – Arts & Technologies)
Sun Jun Kim

Violetta Chan
Lenni Kazandzis
Year 11 Food Science & Technology
Our Year 11’s in Food Science & Technology have been delving into the fascinating world of food advertisement and exploring the art of food styling techniques. Throughout the last few weeks, they have been uncovering the secrets behind captivating food imagery and gaining valuable insights into the persuasive techniques employed in the realm of advertising! Presented below are two exceptional recipe cards created by a selected few student. Well Done! – Ms Isabel Passarelli

IEC Media – Pixel Animation
The IEC Media class tried their hands at Pixel Animation over the last two weeks. After learning the basics of sprite art, the students let their creativity flow and created some amazing animated GIFs! – Mr Kyle Ganapathy



The game has finally finished and it was great to see that Aranmore had four syndicates that would have beaten the winners in other jurisdictions of Australia.
Our top syndicate was up 12% which created an excellent ROI percentage for the short time the game ran. Their profit would have won the competition in several past years. The winner of Australia was from Western Australia and was a worthy winner, setting a new target for future years.
Our Level Two Year 10’s and the Level Three Year 9’s are now learning these ASX skills to assist them prepare for the coming years.
Well done to all the syndicates.
Mr Frank Egan
Year 9 and 10 HASS- Economics

Mandarin Language News
Drago Boat Festival
"During Term 2, which is the time to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival that takes place on 22 June 2023 (ie 端午节 on the 5th day of the 5th month in the Lunar calendar), the Year 7 Mandarin class were given the opportunity to experience making and tasting rice dumplings.
Please watch the following link to have the better understanding of the festival: Festive China: Dragon Boat Festival - YouTube
Mrs Emily Tan
Mandarin Language Teacher

Pathways News
COOKIES ANYONE? Careers Centre Open for Students
Are you are wanting help applying to university, looking at short courses over the holidays or thinking about upcoming subject selection for Year 11?
We have all the information you need in the form of booklets, course guides, newsletters about industries and career opportunities. Do some career exploration and grab a course guide to take home.
Next week the VET and Pathways team will all be there Monday and Thursday (WITH COOKIES) during recess to answer any questions for you. Alternatively, please Seqta Mrs Claire Drabble for a Pathways appointment.
The Careers Centre is next to the Dean's office.
Register Your Interest to Toour HMAS Sydney in Fremantle
Consider a dynamic and fulfilling career working alongside like-minded, expertly trained personnel in the Australian Navy. HMAS Sydney is docking in Fremantle with Defence Force Recruiting hosting a tour of the ship for students like you to learn more about Navy careers. On this tour you’ll hear first-hand from current Navy members about their lives in the Australian Defence Force and explore different areas of the ship.
Discover more about roles in the Navy ranging from engineering to communications or IT & intelligence by joining us on the HMAS Sydney ship tour.
WHEN: 8:30am - 2:30pm, Sunday 18 June
WHERE: Fremantle Harbour, Peter Hughes Drive Fremantle 6160
To register your interest, please visit www.defencejobs.gov.au/events or email cptwa@dfr.com.au
Career Conversations for Families
Register for one or more of the events HERE.
Hear about:
- exploring university and training pathways
- career pathway information for young people with disabilities
- where to find accurate, up-to-date career pathway information
- where the jobs are
- what employers and industry are looking for.
Murdoch University Information Session
Wanting to hear about the courses offered and applying for Murdoch University?
A representative will be in the library this Friday 16 June for Year 12s during form and any other students during recess. Look out for information sessions from the other universities coming soon.
Mrs Claire Drabble
Pathways Coordinator

Rugby Program News
Year 7 Rugby Vs Scotch College
Congratulations to the Year 7 Rugby team on their first Rugby match as part of the Aranmore Rugby program.
The students played with great discipline and skills against the Scotch College rugby team. All players were well behaved and represented the College with pride.
I would like to thank Scotch College for the game and all the supporters who attended the match. A great start to all involved in the match. Stand out players for Aranmore were Junior Vaka, Whetu Mahaki, Phoenix Piggott-Makiiti, Amy Francis, Chloe Hira and Ateca Ravutudei.
Mr Dwyane Grace
Specialist Rugby Program Coordinator

Science News
ECU Bone & Joint Research
Selected Year 7-10 Science classes were invited to take part in research being done by ECU. The project aims to raise awareness, knowledge and motivation to address the importance of bone and joint health in secondary students. Our students were tasked with test-driving a game that has been developed to do just that. They held group discussions to provide feedback on the game and how it could be improved for the target age group.
Year 8 Flower Dissection
Reproduction takes many forms, Year 9 students had a close look at the reproductive organs of Angiosperms when conduction a flower dissection. The colourful flowers were from the garden in St Marys yard.

Wise Women Day at Murdoch
Selected Year 8 and 9 girls were invited to spend the day at Murdoch participating in the Wise Women Day. The day began with a talk from Dr Lechi Vo, who is currently a senior lecturer in Psychology but also has degrees in Chemistry and IT. Dr Vo encouraged the girls to give it their best and to remember that they always had the ability to make a change.
The first session was in the area of Forensic Anthropology, doing a Facial Reconstruction. The session was run by Dr Cindy Palermo, who is well-known and loved by all Scientists at Aranmore. She gave examples of where facial reconstruction had been used to solve crimes by her female associates at Murdoch and walked the girls through how to identify the gender and ethnic background just by looking at the skull.
Our final session was learning how mass spectrometry and math can be used to analyse urine to help medical professionals diagnose their patients.
We hope that the students are now more aware of the vast array of opportunities available to them in their future.

Titration Competition Practice
Aranmore has entered two teams in the annual State Titration Competition which takes place on 20 June. In preparation, Year 12 Chemistry students have been practicing their skills during lunch and recess with Dr Tilbury.

National Youth Science Forum - Rotary are offering partially funded scholarships!
The NYSF Year 12 Program is designed to give students a broader understanding of the diverse study and career options available in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and to encourage continued studies in these fields.
The NYSF Year 12 Program runs two summer sessions. Participants stay at university colleges and have the opportunity to become immersed in science and technology through a range of activities, including:
- participating in tours of science and technology facilities,
- learning about cutting-edge research, university, training and STEM career pathways,
- mixing with other like-minded students from all over Australia, and
- participating in social and team building activities.
Delivered by youth for youth, past participants return each year to participate in the Student Staff Leadership Program and help run the program.
2024 dates and locations
- The Australian National University, Canberra (5-13 January 2024)
- The University of Queensland, Brisbane (12-20 January 2024)
National Youth Science Forum - Inspiring Australia’s Young Scientists (nysf.edu.au)
Rotary support and NYSF Access and Equity Scholarships
Do you need support to attend the 2024 NYSF Year 12 Program?
The NYSF Access and Equity Scholarship Program opens on 1 July.
These scholarships assist students from diverse groups to attend the program, including students who are:
- from remote or regional areas,
- from a low socio-economic background,
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander,
- from any other backgrounds that might need support.
We encourage students to first reach out to a local Rotary Club in their area as part of the NYSF selection process for funding assistance, and apply for an NYSF Access and Equity Scholarship following confirmation of any Rotary funding.
Students and their families do not have to be a member of the Rotary Club to approach them.
Scholarships will only be awarded once a student is selected for the NYSF Year 12 Program.
Students need to submit a separate application for the Program and the scholarship – so they can start and submit their Program application today!
Do you have a 10 to 14 year old who is keen on science? Why not enrol them in our Cells and Proteins Holiday Program.
Harry Perkins School Holiday Opportunity
In this program children will:
🔎Magnify the microscopic world of the human body.
🔬Investigate how your cells function using micropipettes, microscopes and other cool equipment.
🧑🔬Discover how scientists use cells in research.
Save a spot these school holidays here: https://perkins.org.au/get-involved/community/school-holidays/
Our July program has limited places so book in fast! For further information, see the attached flyer.
Mrs Naomi Geoghegan
Head of Learning - Science

Sports News
Year 7 Girls AFL
The Year 7 girls had fun at the AFL Carnival on Tuesday and for most, it was their first time playing the game!
Once the rugby girls got their heads around the many rules of AFL and that you’re unable to tackle someone around the legs and pick them up off the ground (ha!!!), the team was a force to be reckoned with!
We came away with a big 67-2 win over La Salle, a 45-32 loss to Sacred Heart and a 55-25 loss to AFL academy school, Mater Dei.
All girls played in the spirit of the game, were very competitive and were still all smiles by the end of the day.
Miss Georgie Major
HPE TEacher

Music, Netball and Rugby Scholarships for 2024
The closing date for NEW STUDENTS to apply for the 2024 Music, Netball and Rugby Scholarships is fast approaching. For more information, please click on the image below.
(Re-application information for current scholarship students will be communicated in Term 3.)

For the College Calendar, please see here.