Intensive English Centre
Aranmore Catholic College is the only Catholic high school to have an Intensive English Centre (IEC). The Centre is available for those students from overseas who need to be prepared further before they can attend mainstream Australian secondary schools. Typically, this means learning more English so that they become fluent orally and, importantly, in the field of Academic Writing which is difficult even for mainstream students.
Whilst in the Centre, the learners not only study General and Academic English but also continue their learning in Mathematics and attend HASS, Science and Religious Education lessons. Students also participate in sporting activities and work on creative art projects such as making videos, e-books, magazines and creating various artworks.
Once the IEC student has become a competent user of English and is adept in the new culture and customs and at ease with the new way of life here in Australia, they invariably enter into the mainstream of our school although some may choose to attend another school nearer to where they live or access TAFE or university courses.
For more information about the Intensive English Centre, please contact Ms Tracey Anthony, Head of Intensive English Centre at Aranmore on 9201 5200. (For families with primary school aged children, please contact Majella Catholic Primary School Intensive English Centre.)
For enquiries about the College's English as a Additional Language/Dialect, please contact Miss Annie Dziadulewicz, EAL/D Program Coordinator on 9201 5200.